Its here folks, some of the best fishing on Lake Ontario is happening now!!
Throughout most of the south shore from Grimsby to the Niagara River there is nice warm (47-48 degree) 'green" water and its loaded with Chinook, Coho, Lakers & Brown Trout.
There is lots of fish in many spots for everyone currently.
For Chinook Salmon 35-60 FOW has been pretty good. There are still some to be had in shallower tho and the deep water off the Niagara is has fish too. Kings are being caught in all ports (Grimsby, Jordan, Dalhousie & Weller)
You can still get them on stick baits but the spoon bite is very good now (mags & regs) cut bait (herring strips) is working well too, and some anglers are doing well with flasher/flies. Downriggers, divers & 5 - 7 lead core are great set ups. Attached are some pics of some consistent color patterns lately.
Lots of Coho Salmon showing up now too! They are in the same areas but are higher in the water column (5-15 below the surface) Small flashers/dodgers with peanut flies will work well so will small spoons. See attached pictures.
If you want Brown Trout you can still get them in 10-25 FOW with a mix of stick baits & spoons.
We expect very good fishing to continue for the next few weeks. Get out when you can!
Reminder, the Strait Line Anglers Club - Ken Fisher Memorial Spring Fling Tournament is happening this Saturday out of Port Dalhousie. Details for that can be found here:
Here are the results from this past weekend's King of the Lake Salmon Tournament out of Port Weller.
Perch fishing is still great out of Crystal Beach & long Point on Lake Erie. Good pike fishing out of Long Point too.
Walleye & Pike seasons begin to open up in various zones over the next few weekends. This weekend includes spots like Lake Ontario/Bay of Quinte & Georgian Bay. Please refer the fishing regulations for exceptions & sanctuaries to be sure.
Its a good time to get in some good early smallmouth bass on the NY side of Lake Erie too.
And of course Trout season is now open across the province.
hope this helps! Good luck everyone!